Join us today to unlock your full potential and achieve your educational goals. Advance your career with our premium courses, and earn rewards with our unique learn-to-earn initiative.
Join us today to unlock your full potential and achieve your educational goals. Advance your career with our premium courses, and earn rewards with our unique learn-to-earn initiative.
Unlock your full potential with education designed for continuous growth. Whether you are gaining new insights, developing essential skills, or mastering your field, we simplify complex topics and offer insights for real-world applications that prepare you for the future. Our blockchain-backed certifications will ensure that your achievements are secure, credible, and recognized in the digital age.
Learning often happens in classrooms but it doesn’t have to. Use Eolas Campus to facilitate learning experiences no matter the context.
Figures represent the cumulative history across platform versions, forming a solid foundation as we expand to engage even more learners in our mission.
For anyone new to the web3 space, @TREASURYxrpl [now eolas] is a critical piece of the education infrastructure for the #XRPL. As a former teacher and current therapist, these modules demonstrate an evidence based model of contingency management in delivering a retainable educational experience, as well as fostering community and interest in our ecosystem for new and current players. If you are new, it should be a requirement 🤓
John F. aka N.Rollz, LPC
Treasury Academy [now eolas] has played an essential role in broadening my understanding of the crypto ecosystem. The pedagogical approach adds layers of clarity, making learning both simple and clear. I am grateful for the valuable insights gained from this educational experience!
Karim Larson - Los Angeles 2024
By default we allow two retakes on any of the quizzes. However retakes are at he discretion of the instructor and may vary from course to course.
We are actively onboarding new Instructors to contribute to the comprehensive curriculum we are continuously developing. Please visit the Instructor page to find out more.
All your enrolled and completed courses can be found via your Dashboard. For users of our previous Treasury Academy learning system, we are at present unable to show your previous course completion. This does not stop you from completing any of the courses on this platform.
Course reviews are essential for building a strong and supportive learning community. A thoughtful review helps other learners determine if a course meets their needs and provides instructors with valuable insights to enhance their content. If you are ready to share your experience after concluding a course, we invite you to explore how to write impactful course reviews like a pro.
Web3 features including Xumm/Xaman wallet connect and learn-and-earn crypto payouts will be part of up and coming iterations of our new ecosystem.
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